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  • Muslims in Indian Economy

    Muslims in Indian Economy

    The 130 million Muslims (2005) in India form the second largest Muslim population in the world. Scholarship on them has however focused on a limited range of issues. There is little by way of macro studies on the economic condition of Muslims in various parts of India. What is the condition of the Indian Muslims…

  • Medicine, Healthcare and the Raj: The Unacknowledged Legacy

    Medicine, Healthcare and the Raj: The Unacknowledged Legacy

    The book is a significant intervention in the debates and existing scholarship on colonialism and medicine. Equally critical of the postmodern perspectives and of those who claim modern medicine as “gift” from the western world, virtually identifying modern medicine with “western” medicine, Daya Varma sifts the irrational from the rational critiques of imperialism. He makes…

  • Comrade and Artist

    Comrade and Artist

    There are few, if any, publications on Indian artists that reveal as much about the socio-cultural history of the post-independence era as this unique book does. In exploring the unusual life and oeuvre of the dissenting painter, Anil Karanjai, roads across the earth introduces fresh perspectives not just on modern Indian art or on the…

  • Crisis and Predation: India, Covid-19 and Global Finance

    Crisis and Predation: India, Covid-19 and Global Finance

    First published by Monthly Review Press, N.Y. “An in-depth study of the Indian economy in the post-Covid situation and its place in global finance…. [with] both a strong conceptual apparatus and a solid empirical base…. I would recommend the book strongly to anybody interested in understanding the tentacles that bind developing countries to US capital,…

  • Old Routes: North Indian Nomads and Bankers in Afghan, Uzbek and Russian Lands

    Old Routes: North Indian Nomads and Bankers in Afghan, Uzbek and Russian Lands

    This book is a study of commercial relations between north India, the Uzbek Khanate of Bukhara and Russia between the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries. Studies of India’s foreign trade have tended to overlook commercial flows passing through the north-western frontier, destined for Afghanistan, Central Asia and Russia. This volume attempts to redress this imbalance. It…

  • Orienting India: European knowledge formation in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth centuries

    Orienting India: European knowledge formation in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth centuries

    The three essays in this book explore the ways in which Europeans – British colonialists and German philosophers and scholars – appropriated Indian history, religious scholarship, and ritual practice to assert their own relationship to India and Indians, and even more so, their relationship to their own past and sense of present duty, right, and…

  • Opium City: The Making of Early Victorian Bombay

    Opium City: The Making of Early Victorian Bombay

    It was primarily opium that linked Bombay to the international capitalist economy and the western Indian hinterland in the nineteenth century. The essays in this book explore the linkages between the opium enterprise of western India and the creation of early Victorian Bombay. They dwell on some of the prominent features of urban development which…

  • Development After Globalization: Theory and Practice for the Embattled South in a New Imperial Age

    Development After Globalization: Theory and Practice for the Embattled South in a New Imperial Age

    John Saul’s long association with African countries have drawn Saul not only to write widely on African questions but also to reflect more generally upon the situation in the broad range of regions in the global South that experience, in shared if also diverse ways, the hard facts of poverty and exclusion in the present…

  • Liberation Lite: The Roots of Recolonization in Southern Africa

    Liberation Lite: The Roots of Recolonization in Southern Africa

    Liberation Lite takes as its principal focus the limited meaning that liberation has come to have in southern Africa – despite the heroic struggles there that had so recently overthrown white racist rule. For the subsequent neocolonial recolonization of the subcontinent has not, in class and gender terms, allowed much real freedom for the mass…

  • The Opulence of Existence: Essays on Aesthetics and Politics

    The Opulence of Existence: Essays on Aesthetics and Politics

    This collection of essays offers a way of reading texts and testaments by suggesting that there is no dispute between critical skeptical thinking and our intuitive grasp of the opulent, shimmering matter that lies strewn all around us. One can wonder at the large forces of existence and yet colour such wonderment with a tenor…

  • On Their Watch: Mass violence and State apathy in India, Examining the record

    On Their Watch: Mass violence and State apathy in India, Examining the record

    In 2005, India passed a law giving individuals the right to information on the State’s acts and decisions. Using this law, the authors in this edited volume applied for official records about four of the worst episodes of mass violence in independent India. These traumatic events had not previously been scrutinised using the recently-minted law…

  • Praful Bidwai interviews Perry Anderson for Outlook India: ‘Respect Gandhi If You Will, Don’t Sentimentalise Him’

    The complete interview available here: … His latest book, The Indian Ideology, just published by the Three Essays Collective, is a scathing critique of the dominant celebratory discourse of the Idea of India, or the lionising of the democratic stability, multi-cultural unity and impartial secularity of the Indian state as a miracle. His three recent…

  • The Mind and the Medium: Explorations in the Evolution of British Imperial Policy in India

    The Mind and the Medium: Explorations in the Evolution of British Imperial Policy in India

    Vina Mazumdar revisits the questions crucial to understanding the intellectual history of colonial India. She analyses the many dimensions of colonial policy, the intentions and motivations of the men on the ground and in charge, the debates around policy making, the significance of the options involved and choices made, the context of colonialism and anti-colonialism…

  • Demolishing Myths or Mosques and Temples?: Readings on History and Temple Desecration in Medieval India

    Demolishing Myths or Mosques and Temples?: Readings on History and Temple Desecration in Medieval India

    History, it is said, cannot be studied without reflecting on the practice of historians who narrate it. The articles in this volume introduce readers to the writings of four scholars who study the subject of temple desecration in interesting and different ways. They focus on the ways in which historians study the political culture, events,…

  • Shabd aur Sangeet: Unravelling Song-Text in India

    Shabd aur Sangeet: Unravelling Song-Text in India

    In India, where oral traditions predate hand scripted manuscripts or printed compilations, poets with vastly varied literary impulses have written poems prescribing musical rendering in specific raags, taals and genres. There also exists a flourishing tradition of musicians and composers selectively extracting a few lines from a larger existing poem or narrative verse for use…

  • Economy, Culture and Human Rights: Turbulence in Punjab, India and Beyond

    Economy, Culture and Human Rights: Turbulence in Punjab, India and Beyond

    Why do people get moved to protest against some violations of human rights and not others? How can the culture of human rights be made inclusive? This book offers insights into these questions by tracing the dialectical connection between economic interests and human rights. It offers a unique understanding of the contestation over the application…

  • Reality that stinks

    Reality that stinks

    “Dalits and Adivasis in India’s Business Economy: Three Essays and an Atlas” captures the experience of doing business in a caste-conscious social environment KULDEEP KUMAR writes in The Hindu, 5 March 2016: The suicide of Dalit researcher Rohith Vemula, termed “institutionalised murder” by many a commentator, has focused the nation’s attention on the status of the…

  • Views on Development: The Local and the Global in India and Pakistan

    Views on Development: The Local and the Global in India and Pakistan

    In his eloquent style, and with an enormous reservoir of empirical data collected from long duration stays in villages of northern India and Pakistan, Kristoffel Lieten gives voice to the under-privileged. He has produced three poignant essays, which directly address core issues in the development discourse: the impact of the various routes of rural development…

  • Against Ecological Romanticism: Verrier Elwin and the Making of an Anti-Modern Tribal Identity

    Against Ecological Romanticism: Verrier Elwin and the Making of an Anti-Modern Tribal Identity

    The essays in this book develop a systematic critique of the romanticised notions of tribal life, identity and ecology that informs so much of today’s scholarship as well as the popular perceptions and ‘everyday commonsense’ relating to these themes. The author has examined genesis of certain visions found in the work of Verrier Elwin, the…

  • A LIFE IN THREE OCTAVES: The Musical Journey of Gangubai Hangal

    A LIFE IN THREE OCTAVES: The Musical Journey of Gangubai Hangal

    Gangubai was born to a family of traditional musicians in Dharwad and went on to become one of the greatest vocalists of the Hindustani classical music. ‘A Life in Three Octaves’ is an account of the life and times of this extraordinary musician who forged the highest form of art through the crucible of her…

  • Shadow Space: Suicides and the Predicament of Rural India

    Shadow Space: Suicides and the Predicament of Rural India

    Why has rural, agrarian India turned into killing fields? Why are agriculturists resorting to suicide? What is the social and political significance of such deaths? These are the key questions that this book seeks to answer as a way to understand the spate of suicides, since 1997, by agriculturists. Going beyond the predominant economic reason…

  • The Lottery of Birth: On Inherited Social Inequalities

    The Lottery of Birth: On Inherited Social Inequalities

    An egalitarian ethos has not been a prominent feature of Indian civilization, at least since the decline of Buddhism over a thousand years ago. All people, it is believed, are created unequal, born into a hierarchy of status and dignity, and endowed not with universal but particular rights and duties. This has greatly amplified the…

  • When People Rise in Protest: Mobilising for Equal Citizenship in India

    When People Rise in Protest: Mobilising for Equal Citizenship in India

    This is an important book on the nationwide protests against the CAA (Citizenship Amendment Act) and its connections with the NRC (National Register of Citizens). It highlights the significance of vast numbers of Indians rising in protest for equal citizenship and how it became a metaphor for not just minority rights but for the safeguarding…

  • In the Making: Identity Formation in South Asia

    In the Making: Identity Formation in South Asia

    This book critiques the taken-for-granted opposition of Hindu and Muslim as separate and cohesive categories, the frequent coding of syncretism as deviant, impermanent or tolerant, and moves towards a more nuanced approach. It questions the historicist preoccupation with incidents and processes of conflict, conquest, iconoclasm, and sets out to look at co-existence and peaceful interactions…

  • Samastipur aur Anya Kavitaen (Samastipur and Other Poems) In Hindi

    Samastipur aur Anya Kavitaen (Samastipur and Other Poems) In Hindi

    A landmark book of poems. Amitabh’s is among the most reliable and authentic voices in contemporary Hindi poetry. His work maps the wider range of the moral, aesthetic and social concerns of our time in all their diversity and deeper reach. This is a long awaited anthology of his poems. It comprises in about three…

  • Of Gardens and Graves: Essays on Kashmir | Poems in Translation

    Of Gardens and Graves: Essays on Kashmir | Poems in Translation

    Of Gardens and Graves examines the textures of everyday life in Kashmir after 1990, the years of pervasive militarization of the valley. It combines personal essays with enquiries into the pre- and post-Partition histories and political actions that underlie the present conflict. The volume also features translations of poems written in Kashmiri in these last…

  • The Mosaic of Islam: A Conversation with Perry Anderson

    The Mosaic of Islam: A Conversation with Perry Anderson

    A COMPREHENSIVE INTRODUCTION TO THE FAITH AND POLITICS OF ISLAM Today, 23 percent of the global population is Muslim, but ignorance and misinformation about Islam persist. In this fascinating and useful book, Perry Anderson interviews the noted scholar of Islam Suleiman Mourad about the Quran and the history of the faith. Mourad elucidates the different…

  • ‘No justice is possible in a system of impunity and compromise.’

    Prita Jha is co-editor of ON THEIR WATCH: Mass Violence and State Apathy in India. Examining the Record. She is a human right activist working in Gujarat. She replies to four questions we put to her. Q.: The book is based on painstaking field-work. The chapter on Gujarat, written by you, is the longest. The…

  • India Exclusion Report, 2018-19

    India Exclusion Report, 2018-19

    India Exclusion Report is a collaborative effort involving institutions and individuals working with a shared notion of social and economic equity, justice and rights. The report seeks to inform public opinion around exclusion and the role of the state; and to influence policy making towards creating a more inclusive, equitable and just society. It is…

  • Reason and Medicine: Art and science of healing from antiquity to modern times

    Reason and Medicine: Art and science of healing from antiquity to modern times

    There is no such thing as Chinese, Hindu, Islamic or European physics or chemistry.  Why then are there distinct schools of medicine (Ayurvedic, Chinese, Unani, Homeopathic, etc.)? What has been the role of witchcraft in the history of healing? What has been the contribution of women in healing and medicine – in antiquity and in the…

  • Adventures Into the Unknown: Essays

    Adventures Into the Unknown: Essays

    As the essays in this collection testify, even half a century after his death in 1966, D D Kosambi continues to be provocative, instructive, and contemporary. Many of the arguments that he makes in his two didactic and hitherto unpublished essays are insightful and incisive, and display, in a new setting, the range of his…

  • Working with Muslims: Beyond Burqa and Triple Talaq. Stories of development and everyday citizenship in India

    Working with Muslims: Beyond Burqa and Triple Talaq. Stories of development and everyday citizenship in India

    Working with Muslims goes down to the ground in eight major states of India and investigates the reality of non-government organizations and their development work, with the largest marginalized minority in the world’s largest democracy. It asks the simple questions (Who is working with Muslims? On which issues?), and the complex ones (What lens is…

  • Forms of Collective Violence: Riots, Pogroms, and Genocide in Modern India

    Forms of Collective Violence: Riots, Pogroms, and Genocide in Modern India

    These essays focus on the various forms of collective violence that have occurred in India during the past six decades, which include riots, pogroms, and genocide. It is argued that these various forms of violence must be understood not as spontaneous outbreaks of passion, but as productions by organized groups. Moreover, it is also evident…

  • Sharing Galeano

    In honour of Eduardo Galeano who passed away on April 13, we at Three Essays Collective are offering Open Veins of Latin America at a special price of Rs250 for next two weeks, starting April 16. For a book priced at Rs450, this amounts to a discount of nearly 45 percent, and with free postage…

  • Slouching towards Ayodhya: From Congress to Hindutva in Indian Politics

    Slouching towards Ayodhya: From Congress to Hindutva in Indian Politics

    The three essays in this volume, focussing respectively on the international, national and regional aspects of Hindutva, provide three successive pictures of Hindutva, each, as it were, closer up than the one before, each probing progressively deeper into its dynamics. They analyse the structural basis, historical roots and political entrenchment of Hindutva, and assess the…

  • Hindustani Music in Colonial Bombay

    Hindustani Music in Colonial Bombay

    This book focuses on Bombay’s role in modernising the world of Hindustani music in the colonial era and in moulding the ethos surrounding this musical tradition. Changing patterns of patronage, performance and pedagogy, are elaborated upon, and adaptive strategies employed by musicians to cope with the new colonial urban environment are examined. The author discusses…

  • On Communalism and Globalization: Offensives of the Far Right

    On Communalism and Globalization: Offensives of the Far Right

    In three celebrated lectures, extensively re-worked since they were delivered first, Prof. Aijaz Ahmad discusses the progress of neo-imperialism and the increasing influence of fascism in the third world societies and critically evaluates their resources – cultural, social and ideological. CONTENTS Introduction to the Second Edition Introduction to the First Edition On the Ruins of…

  • Violent Gods: Hindu Nationalism in India’s Present – Narratives from Orissa

    Violent Gods: Hindu Nationalism in India’s Present – Narratives from Orissa

    This book is an erudite and elegiac exploration of Hindu nationalism in India today. It offers a revealing account of Hindu militant mobilizations as an authoritarian movement manifest throughout culture, polity, and economy, religion and law, class and caste, on gender, body, land, and memory. Tracing the continuities between Hindutva and Hindu cultural dominance, this…

  • MSS Pandian, 1957-2014

    MSS Pandian, 1957-2014

    The sudden departure of MSS Pandian, historian, scholar and extraordinary teacher, adds a sense of emptiness to these terrible times. A massive heart attack following a gastro-intestinal complication, of which he wasn’t fully aware, took him away on 10 November 2014 at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. On the way to…

  • The Other Indians: Essays on Pastoralists and Prehistoric Tribal People

    The Other Indians: Essays on Pastoralists and Prehistoric Tribal People

    The essays in this volume are an attempt to tease out from the scant archaeological (and to some extent historical) sources available, some information on certain aspects of rural societies in the past: mobility, subsistence from animal herding, symbiosis between crop production and animal rearing, situating hunters and gatherers, and the importance of forest as…