Review roundup: The Indian Ideology

India and Ideology: Why Western Thinkers Struggle With the Subcontinent

By Pankaj Mishra, Council on Foreign Relations

According to Perry Anderson’s new book, The Indian Ideology, India’s democracy — routinely celebrated as the world’s largest — is actually a sham.

An Interview With Perry Anderson on “The Indian Ideology”

Sentimentalizing Gandhi by Praful Bidwai,

‘The Indian Ideology’ is another way of describing what is more popularly known as ‘The Idea of India’, which celebrates the democratic stability, multi-cultural unity, and impartial secularity of the Indian state as a national miracle.

Respect Gandhi If You Will, Don’t Sentimentalise Him

Praful Bidwai interviews Perry Anderson, Outlook India

The principal catastrophe of 1947 lay in the Congress folly of not realising that it was, in composition and outlook, a Hindu party.

After Nehru

London Review of Books

Why then has the sheer pressure of the famished masses, who apparently hold an electoral whip-hand, not exploded in demands for social reparation incompatible with the capitalist framework of this – as of every other – liberal democracy?